A downloadable game for Windows

a phasmaphobia sequel no one wanted or asked for with all the multiplayer removed( failed to implement in time


Well I suppose you're all wondering what's going on and where you are.

I think it will be easiest if I answer you in that order.

My Science Projects had a Little Oopsie and has kinda opened portals across the multiverse being pulled to places and things with strong Extra dimensional energy signatures.

I suppose I should actually explain what EDE is before your confusion triggers you to panic. Imagine a Photograph of an apple and along with that an actual apple.

The image is a 2d object whilst the real Deal is a 3d object EDE is what exists in between the apple and it's image along with many more things.

Now you might be thinking this sounds an awful lot like magic and I suppose that from a certain perspective that would be correct considering any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.

Though the opposite, that any sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from science, is also true.

If you can help me locate and secure these Energy sources and close them, I'm sure my little portal experiment has also likely made these objects understandable so it wouldn't surprise me if I've accidentally reduced a cities population to spiritual 4 dimensional bodies but at least if I get my A++ It should all of been worth it.

Now you have 3 choices: help me fix the distortions so we can try to get you home and figure out why a portal specifically opened itself on you.

you can wander through the portal network and try to find your home universe in a veritable infinity. 

Or you can just leave and likely be arrested detained and potentially killed due to not being registered in the database of this world's citizens 

the only Implemented level is a Laboratory in the arctic that has been completely abandoned after a crystal they were studying went and made an energy field that turns people to mist on the entire lab you should be able to locate 3 keys to get through the shielding protecting the Crystal and seemingly the facilities Command Room

Built Using the following asset store assets, Horror Engine, Character body fx Vol 1, Quixel Megascans SafeHouse and Modular SciFi Season 1 Starter Bundle



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